Netflix has recently released a documentary called ‘Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones.’ The documentary offers a captivating perspective of life, encouraging people…
Aeroplane travel for people with hearing loss can be challenging. From pre-flight security to gate change announcements and noisy in-flight environments, it may even be…
A major study spanning ten years has indicated that hearing aids could be the key to protecting against dementia. Findings indicate that people with hearing…
If you’re considering getting microsuction, then this may be a daunting concept. The prospect of having a vacuum entering your ear might seem unpleasant, but…
Since 2014, people all over the world have been participating in ‘Veganuary’ – a challenge that encourages participants to follow a vegan lifestyle for the…
January: This January, we focused on self-care, in the form of looking after your hearing. We shared some handy tips for looking after your hearing in…
We always stress the importance of communicating with loved ones and engaging in activities to avoid social isolation when suffering from hearing loss, but it’s…
For those of you who love sports and struggle with hearing loss, you may find watching and participating a particularly difficult challenge. We're here to…
At County Hearing, we’re always doing our bit to stay environmentally conscious and ensure we're making hearing care more sustainable. We are proud to work…
In a recent article, and after an update to the latest research, BIHIMA (the British and Irish Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association) are calling for annual hearing…
Hearing well whilst on the phone is an issue that many people experiencing hearing loss face. However, your ability to communicate shouldn’t need to suffer…
Your hearing is crucial for helping to maintain good mental health and well-being. Music in particular has a strong correlation with improving your mood and…
Living and working in loud environments can be dangerous for the long-term health of your hearing. Even visiting a loud environment for a short period…
Lipreading is a skill often naturally acquired when an individual experiences hearing loss. That being said, even those with good hearing use lip movements, facial…
A blocked ear can be irritating, painful, and make it difficult to go about day-to-day life. When you’re struggling with an earwax build-up, it’s important to…
We often meet clients who feel self-conscious about the way that their hearing aids will look. They are worried about others noticing they’re wearing them,…
Covid-19 has meant we’ve had to make numerous changes to our daily lives. Social distancing, wearing face masks, and singing happy birthday as we wash…
At County Hearing, we specialise in helping those with hearing loss find suitable solutions to better hearing. However, we recognise that hearing loss doesn’t just…
Over the past year, there have been many incredible advances in the hearing aid industry. One area of particular development is remote hearing aid support.…
Being stuck at home, especially if you’re by yourself or isolating, can be difficult. Not being able to speak to friends or family members face-to-face…
From humble beginnings in the cellar of a Danish suburban home to one of today’s largest global hearing aid manufacturers. We share the incredible story…
At County Hearing, there’s nothing more satisfying to us than helping a patient rediscover great hearing. Receiving great feedback from you puts a smile on…
As audiology services are “essential”, please note we will remain open throughout the 2021 lockdown with our highest safety protocols in place. We thank you for your patience at this time.